Chemical peels
In health and skincare/somatology/
aesthetics chemical peels are used to
address a lot of skin conditions, and all
thanks to the benefits that these
chemical solutions offer. A chemical
solution is used during a chemical peel,
sometimes referred to as
chemexfoliation or dermapeeling, to
enhance the appearance of your skin. In
this procedure, a chemical solution is
applied to your skin, resulting in damage
to its layers. Over time, the skin layers
begin to peel away, revealing younger-
looking skin. The new skin typically has a
more equal tone, a smoother texture,
and fewer creases and wrinkles.
Chemical peels are used to treat certain skin disorders or to improve the tone and texture of
your skin in order to enhance your look.
You often get chemical peels on your hands, neck, or face. They may lessen or enhance:
Fine lines around the lips or beneath the eyes, as well as wrinkles from aging, genetics,
and sun damage.
Specific forms of acne.
Minimal scarring.
Freckles, liver spots, age spots, sun spots, and uneven skin tones.
Actinic keratosis is a term for precancerous scaly lesions.
Scaly areas, dry skin, and a poor complexion.
Melasma caused by taking birth control medications or becoming pregnant.
In general, all skin types can benefit from superficial peels. However, you run a higher risk of
having a darkening of your skin after treatment if you have a darker skin tone. Post-
inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the medical term for this syndrome. In order to lower the
chance of hyperpigmentation if you have a naturally darker skin tone, you might wish to consult
your somatologist/health and skincare therapist about various less drastic procedures.
Additionally, chemical peeling might not be advised if you:
A background of unusual skin scars.
Have scars that are more vividly colored.
Experiencing skin issues or taking drugs that can irritate your skin.
Cannot avoid the light during the healing process.
As an outpatient procedure, a chemical peel can be carried out in a surgery center, aesthetic
clinic or in a doctor's clinic. Your eyes and hair will be safeguarded while your skin will be
properly cleansed using a substance that removes extra oils. Your skin is then exposed to a
chemical solution. Acids like glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or
carbolic acid are frequently employed as chemical solutions (phenol). Each type of chemical
penetrates to a particular depth of skin, causing a controlled damage, and then peels away to
show a fresh layer of skin.
Different chemical mixtures produce various outcomes. The chemical you choose depends on
your objectives.