New In Aesthetics

What is a Serum?

Serums are the best and often the most powerful vehicle to introduce into a skin due to its lightweight and potent nature. These different serums are often loaded with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants which assist the skin in various ways, dependent on the client’s skin needs. A serum is often a thin, heavily packed liquid with all the necessary ingredients to penetrate the skin and provide results that would rejuvenate the skin, combat dehydration and often times plump the skin. This water-based formulation is packed with ingredients that are customizable for individual clients with complex skin issues and concerns.

Therapists often will use serums during a face and body treatment as well as recommend clients to purchase these serums so the effect and benefit of the ingredients can carry on being beneficial weeks after client has a professional treatment. 

How does it Work?

There are different types of serums which are formulated for almost all skin types and conditions. Most of the serums have several if not multiple functions and can be designed to treat not only one condition but various conditions. Serums can be customizable and can be used for different skin types, different age groups, males, skin conditions for various reasons. Suitable for multiple functions associated with aging, dehydration, (hyper/hypo) pigmentation and acne prone skin conditions. The serums are often used as booster to aid with correcting skins imperfections and as preventative measure

Types of Ingredients found in serums:

Selection of serum is dependent on the client’s skin concerns from glowing skin, reenergizing skin, rejuvenation etc. offine lines and wrinkles. The ingredients stated below will contain specific vitamins and essential cosmeceuticals that will penetrate via the epidermis and usually nanotechnology is used to assist with deeper penetration of the ingredient which changes skin on a cellular level.

  • Hyaluronic acid- excellent booster and moisturing properties
  • Humectant like glycerine to add moisture in the skin
  • Vitamin E – anti oxidant
  • Niacinamide- treats dull and sallow conditions
  • Vitamin C- skin brightener and excellent exfoliant
  • Retinol- always beneficial for acne prone skin types and assists in resurfacing skin
  • Salicylic acid- which helps unclogs acne prone skins, along with retinol.

 Application of Serums

The only difference between serums and a cream, moisturizing cream formulation have bigger molecules like mineral oils, thickening agents and have to have a lubricating effect on the skin whether a lotion or cream also this is carefully prepared to address each skin type and condition effectively. While serum tends to not have the above ingredients, hence it needs to be applied on a clean skin after cleansing and before moisturiser.


The serum should not be rubbed into the skin like a cream rather with light patting motion to assist the products to penetrate deeper.  Serums are fantastic add -on which are used in advanced treatments like dermaplaning and Microneedling.


Final Thoughts

Due to the active ingredients, serums tend to be highly priced. A small amount is needed on a daily basis. Utilising serums in your practice assist with up selling treatments, provides necessary nutrition for the skin and seal off treatment.


Treating and maintaining proper skin regime is vital as you only have one skin. It is imperative to take a keen interest in the investing in proper skin care and utilising these formulations which definitely correct, renew and provide healthy benefits to your skin.


Written by: N. Makhanya


Trending now in Aesthetics: Cryolipolysis/ Fat Freezing


Fat freezing is gaining popularity amongst people who want to opt for quicker and instant results in eliminating fat in their bodies for good. The pain free, non-invasive procedure that guarantees no down time entices even those people that have dedicated their lives into looking good and feeling good but still struggle to get rid of that stubborn fat.


According to Aestheticians, fat freezing is a procedure which literally freezes your fat and allows you to get rid of unwanted fat throughout your body. The process is also referred to as Cryolipolysis. Shalu Bhati adds that the procedure is the body’s natural response when exposed to extreme cold temperatures. This concept is made from how the body reacts to frostbite. Fat cells are found in the subcutaneous layers which lie below the skin. Fat cells are still important to regulate heat and assist with cushioning delicate organs. In this instance when the body experiences cold, it has been reported that it is actually the fat cells that feel the cold before the rest before the skin reacts. Hence, the fat freezing was established to target, kill, and eradicate the fat cells and create firm and toned body.



The Process in Detail?


The procedure is noted as a simple process that freezes and then eliminate the fat. The dead fat cells are then taken up by the body and the process of detoxification and elimination via the body and lymphatic system finishes the process off. These steps must follow for a successful treatment:

An anti-freeze pad is placed in the targeted area which could be chin, stomach, arm or abdomen. Vacuum like applicator is placed on the area, suctioning occurs and that area is exposed to extreme cold temperature that freezes your fat cells. Treatment is finished off by massage to make sure all the fat cells can be absorbed by the body for elimination. Depending on clients’ needs, 4-6 sessions might be needed; it will depend on the severity of the area. Treatment session can last anything from 1 to 3 hours. This allows a controlled environment. Procedure might be uncomfortable for some, but ideally the area exposed to this extreme temperature just feels cold and numb usually a comfortable process. There is no down time or recovery time thought clients have been informed that the results will be seen between 3-6months after the procedure.

It is important to note that this treatment is not intended as a weight loss program, rather a fat reduction. It just aids the body in reducing stubborn fat in certain areas. If you are overweight this might not be an ideal treatment for you, it would be advisable to shed some extra kilos prior to attempting this procedure.


Aesthetics: What’s new in the industry

The field of Aesthetics is always expanding, whether in overall sales, new product interest, or the latest technology. An increased interest in this industry means trends and new models of doing things are always in the mouth of consumers and as a beauty professional, it becomes your primary goal to stay on “trend”. In 2021 Beauty is all about experimenting, implementing new smart technology while making sure you are looking after the environment. We have outlined the rising trends beauty professionals need to have an eye on top to promote the health and beauty of the skin.

Plant-based and Vegan Products

It is easy to understand the vegan diet, the concept of vegan skincare can be a bit confusing. Consumers are becoming more concerned with the type of ingredients found in their products. Vegan and plant-based products have the same benefits as a vegan diet in terms of reducing environmental damage and promoting kindness towards animals but they can also also be beneficial towards our skin and cater to a new market that is projected to be worth billions of Rands by 2025. To get involved in this growing market, beauty professionals should consider adding new vegan and plant-based products to their catalogue and generate early growth within the industry.

Maskne Treatments


With the global pandemic, the majority of the world had to wear a mask while out in public. This affected some more than others. Since the mask is on the face for long hours, it affects your skin. The terms ‘maskne’ was adopted in 2020 due to the rise in breakouts caused by the mask.

Adapting and developing new products that assist in healing the affected skin has been one of the biggest trends since 2020. This will bring searchers, inquiries, and new clientele to your business.

What’s new in Aesthetics (IV DRIPS)

Intravenous Drip Therapy

This latest craze is trending within Aesthetic and Wellness Clinics and its quite exciting for Therapist’s as it encourages this multi-disciplinary cross pollination between different areas of health and wellness in support of treating our clients holistically. IV Drips Nutritional Therapy distributes a measured and controlled dose of essential vitamins, minerals other nutrients including electrolytes. These dosages are delivered intravenously into client’s bloodstream in order to balance, fix any nutritional deficiencies that might be affecting the body from functioning correctly and effectively. The dosage is correctly measured so it can in turn boost the client’s skin and overall health.

What’s in the Drip?

IV infusion ingredients differ and its properties which is an advantage as it makes it more customizable for different individuals according to their needs. It is important to note that these dosages are not intended to treat or cure diseases as they do not have stamp of approval from Food and Drug Administration. It is noteworthy to state to clients that it utilized as a tool to boost, support and provide the body with essential nutrients that support and maintain health.

How Does the IV Work?

According to bounce hydration, a qualified nurse should administer the IV fluid via a small plastic tube catheter. Once a thorough consultation has been completed and the correct infusion selected according to clients’ needs and wants, the client is then prepared accordingly. Fear not if terrified by needles as a numbing spray is used prior in order to minimize any discomfort.

IV Treatment Types

A combination of saline solution and vitamins makes the main components of the IV with varying ingredients makes up the infusion and can be used for various indications such as:

  • Dehydration
  • Energy Boost
  • Hangover
  • Immune Boost
  • Stomach Flu
  • Myers Cocktail
  • Recovery
  • Beauty
  • Weight Loss
  • Super Immune Boost


Is the IV Drip Safe?

This procedure is very safe and well tolerated by majority of clients. Slight bruising and sensitivity may be experienced by some people on the site of needle injection. Constant monitoring by the nursing staff ensures the comfort

Final Thoughts

  • Procedure takes 30-45 minutes.
  • Registered nurse administers the drip.
  • No down time or adverse side effects.
  • Individual customization of infusions.
  • Safe and effective.
  • Well, tolerated by clients.

Health & Skincare/Aesthetic (Chemical Peels)

What is a Chemical Peel?

We have made amazing strides within the Health and Skin Care industry, from Cleopatras milk bath and the Roman elite who bathed in wine. Treatment of all different skin types has evolved to such a great extent and different modalities are put in place to manage, care, and treat skin safely and effectively. A chemical peel is a skin rejuvenation and resurfacing treatment where a chemical solution with varying depths and strength is selected according to desired result. This chemical solution is applied onto the skin to target various skin conditions and concerns like post acne scarring, wrinkles and pigmentation. A Chemical peel is applied on the epidermis and creates a controlled wounding of the skin. Several, damaged skin layers are removed which triggers the body’s natural healing process by replenishing the skins collagen, elastin including fibroblasts, which in turn assists with desquamating the skin leaving a bright and youthful appearance.

How does it Work?

Dermaceutic Laboratories cites that extensive knowledge and understanding of the skin and its layers enforces better preparation, handling of the skin. The skin is made up of three layers where the point of focus will be the Epidermis and Dermis according to the scope of practice for the Therapist or Aesthetician. The skin is made up of complex networks which provide different functions like insulation and protection. Variations in the appearance of skins thickness are in accordance with race, gender and age. Skin pigmentation differs amongst populations and skin types can range from dry to oily. The melanocytes which primarily produce pigment, namely melanin (Marieb).

Chemical Peel Indications:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Certain types of acne scars.
  • Mild scars i.e., hypertrophic scars.
  • Pigmentation and sun damage.
  • Overall improvement of skin.

Client Assessment Plan

Prior to client deciding to book a session with the therapist. Extensive consultation is conducted to determine these important factors:

  • Skin type- coarse/dry/reactive.
  • Phototype (Fitzpatrick scale).
  • Skin concerns- pigment/aging/scarring.
  • Management of treatment expectation.

    Types of Chemical Peels

    Experts in Aesthetic Dermatology classify the types of peel under the following:
    • AHA/ BHA (Metabolic)
      • Glycolic
      • Lactic
      • Mandelic
      • Salicylic
      • Malic
      • Citric
    • TCA (Caustic)
      • Layer dependent (stronger)
    • Phenol (Enzymatic)
      • Higher Ph
      • Medical grade

    Final Thoughts

    • Consultation process is vital
    • Skin preparation pre peel and post peel
    • Professional and recognized peel
    • Treatment protocol
    • Peels can be combined with other Aesthetic treatment
    • Homecare is important
    • Appropriate professional salon range
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