Health & Skincare/ Aesthetics (Dermaplaning)

What is Aging?

The aging process occurs when the outer layers of the skin (epidermis) thin out and there is a reduction in the number of melanocytes decreases. Skin aging is classified by features such as wrinkling, loss of elasticity, and a rough textured appearance. The process of aging goes along with changes seen in the cutaneous cells as well as structural and functional changes in extracellular matrix components such as collagen and elastin.

Sign of Aging?

  • Rough, dry, itchy skin
  • The skin becomes slack
  • Transparent and thinning of skin
  • More easily bruised
  • More easily prone to lesions

Contibuting factors to aging:

  • Frequent exposure to UV light
  • Incorrect Diet
  • Lack of sleep
  • Collagen breakdown
  • Stress and smoking


Difference between Dermaplaning and Shaving

  • Dermaplaning is more aggressive than shaving.
  • Dermaplaning uses a surgical, disposable blade.
  • Dermaplaning cannot be performed at home.
  • Dermaplaning blades are singular, whereas razors are usually stacked with 2-3 blades.
  • Dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment intended to remove dead skin cells and improve fine lines, wrinkles, and improve skin tone and texture.
  • Dermaplaning should not be used to get rid of terminal hair (such as beard hair)
  • Dermaplaning should not be received any sooner than 21 days apart.

Dermaplaning Fighting against Aging

Dermaplaning is a form of manual exfoliation similar in theory to microdermabrasion but without the use of suction or abrasive crystals. An Aesthetic grade, sterile blade is stroked along the skin at an angle to gently “shave off” dead skin cells from the epidermis. While the procedure has been around for 35 years or more, it has recently gained popularity in the esthetics field. Maximum results are obtained by participating in a series of treatments plus following a home care regimen. The result is a brighter, more even complexion that appears dewy and relaxed. Perfect for those with sensitive or mature skin.

How dermaplaning works?

According to Aestheticians, dermaplaning is a simple, safe and noninvasive procedure that exfoliates the epidermis, while removing vellus hair and dead skin cells on the surface. The removal of dead epidermal cells allows for more effective products absorption and for the ingredients to penetrate more into the deeper layers of the skin.  Many aestheticians recommend this treatment to prepare the skin for other procedures such as laser treatments or deep chemical peels. Dermaplaning is most often used on clients with rough, dry skin, superficial hyperpigmentation, mild acne scarring, or fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment results in a more refined, smooth, “glowing” appearance. To understand the logic, look to the boys. According to aesthetician Mary Schook, shaving provides more of a benefit for your man than simply removing scruff. “Men are mechanically exfoliating their faces each time that they shave. That’s why they sometimes appear to age more slowly than women do.”

In our Health & Skincare you can now do: Micro-needling

The beauty industry is an ever changing and revolving industry. Just when you think you are keeping up with your beauty trends then BOOM….Micro-needling comes along. You must be wondering what is this new treatment everyone is talking about?? Micro-needling is a new trending Cosmetic/ beauty procedure enhancing your skin with long lasting results.

But what is it you ask? Micro-needling also known as (Collagen Induction Therapy) is a non-invasive skin treatment that uses a pen-like device to help improve the overall health of the skin, paying much needed attention to hyperpigmentation, scaring, anti-aging as well as sun damaged skin.

How does it work? Micro-needling creates a controlled injury to the epidermis and dermis of the skin to encourage the production and activation of collagen and elastin. It does this by creating micro, vertical, needle-sized openings in the skin, which allows for deeper and faster product penetration as well as the on-set of an inflammatory response called a “healing crisis”.

What is the healing crisis you might ask…? When the dermal tissue is pierced, the veins dilate causing an increased blood supply that releases growth factors which act as signals to the body’s immune response in repairing the skin. Neutrophils and macrophage cells are sent to sterilize the wound and increase blood supply thus creating new and fresh cells. During this process, the entire micro channel will close in 15 minutes due to coagulation. The released growth factors increase the production of collagen and elastin thus making the skin fuller and plumper. 

How long is the recovery period? With a healthy immune response, the inflammation caused by micro-needling fades significantly after a couple of days. This is however dependent on several factors like: level of sensitivity, how deep the needle pierced, medication aftercare and the individual skin type.

What is Collagen and elastin? Collagen is a form of protein responsible for a healthy and youthful skin. Fibroblasts are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin which is found in the matrix of the dermis. When you are young, collagen levels are very high thus making the skin smooth, soft and firm but as we age, and we all will, the skin’s ability and rate to produce healthy collagen becomes more and more difficult hence it will resort to being lazy and relaxing, creating the dreaded WRINKLES!!

Functions of collagen include:

  • Structural network that supports the skin.
  • Provides thickness and density.
  • Plays a crucial role in the formation and repair of the skin.


Are there specific products used with it? An active ingredient (e.g. hyaluronic, Vitamin C) with a very small molecular structure is used as a medium on the skin to improve the overall health and condition of the skin during the treatment. 

Is the treatment painful? A tropical numbing cream is applied 15-20 minutes prior to the treatment, making micro needling virtually pain free. 

What is the healing crisis you might ask…? When the dermal tissue is pierced, the veins dilate causing an increased blood supply that releases growth factors which act as signals to the body’s immune response in repairing the skin. Neutrophils and macrophage cells are sent to sterilize the wound and increase blood supply thus creating new and fresh cells. During this process, the entire micro channel will close in 15 minutes due to coagulation. The released growth factors increase the production of collagen and elastin thus making the skin fuller and plumper. 

How long is the recovery period? With a healthy immune response, the inflammation caused by micro-needling fades significantly after a couple of days. This is however dependent on several factors like: level of sensitivity, how deep the needle pierced, medication aftercare and the individual skin type.

Do I need special training to offer this treatment in my salon? This treatment requires specialised training and can only be performed once you have trained and qualified as a skincare therapist.

Where can I get training?

Hydro International Collage

Corner 12th Avenue and Hendrik Potgieter




 Fulfilled by N.M. Mthethwa

What is new in Health & Skincare / Aesthetics : Lash and Brow Growth Serums

Being at home and in isolation has had its pros and cons. Most people have made the most of being creative whilst at home, during the pandemic. Over the last couple of months, we have learned to try and do most things by our lonesome, paid haircuts were replaced by handheld mirrors and rechargeable hair clippers, paid manicures resulted in makeshift DIY treatments, and the list goes on.
The same can be said about growing eyebrow hairs and lash hairs using inexpensive household products. This blog will take you through the process of creating your own lash/brow serum. Our first year of health and skincare course includes the subject cosmetic science which provides an insight of natural ingredients used in cosmetics as well as their functions and uses. Having this knowledge will allow you to become creative in the salon or spa and produce your own range of products for your clients.

Don’t spend you last Rands on beauty products that can be made at home with the same ingredients

Here are some of the few ingredients that can be used individually and collectively to create effective lash serums from home.

  • Castor Oil

  • Coconut Oil

  • Egg Yoke

  • Olive Oil


But how do I know which other home -made products produce the best and most effective serums.

Well, I’m so glad you asked that question, what is important to note is the vitamins each product. For example, since lemons are rich in vitamin-B, vitamin-C, folic acid, and other vital nutrients, they make your eyebrow hair grow much faster than any other ingredient.

Rub a piece of lemon onto your eyebrows. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. You can even put the lemon peels into ¼ cup of pure coconut oil. Let the mixture sit for 15 days. Once ready, you can apply this onto your brows using cotton bud every night prior to sleeping. Wash off the next morning. Do not expose your brows to sunlight for two hours after applying this remedy, as it can lighten its natural colour.

Other notable examples are included but not limited to:

The one household product I have used on the regular and recommended to clients alike, is onion juice. It contains high quantities of sulfur, selenium, minerals, B vitamins and C vitamins which are very good for hair growth. This helps to speed up growth and improve the density of the brow hair. Sulfur increases the production of collagen tissues required for proper eyebrow growth. Also, it strengthens the hair follicles. As onion has a pungent smell, it is best to use lemon juice to remove all traces of the smell. Apply onion juice to your eyebrows every alternate day.

Do this by chopping the onion into pieces and place in a blender to make a paste. Strain and keep the juice. Using a cotton bud, apply the juice on your eyebrows. Keep it on for an hour. Wipe off with a cotton ball soaked in diluted lemon juice.

Added Tips to Grow Eyebrows

1. Eat Biotin rich foods

Biotin is a vitamin that helps hair growth. You should eat eggs, avocados, salmon and peanuts for a natural treatment of hair loss.

2. Use eyebrow and eyelash serum

Brow serum is a product that is made to stimulate growth of hair follicles above the eye. Some of the best serums contain peptides as ingredients that make hair grow quickly.

3. Avoid wearing makeup

Aggressive face makeup can slow down the growth of your eyebrows.

4. Avoid applying lotions and creams

Lotions and creams block hair follicles. This prevents the natural growing process of the hair and prevents your eyebrows from growing out long and healthy.

5. Massage your eyebrows

Massage your eyebrows regularly. Massage therapy improves blood circulation around the eyebrow area. This further improves the supply of nutrients.

6. Comb to stimulate hair growth

Brushing hair has its own benefits. Brushing hair helps in stimulating the blood capillaries, thereby increasing the blood circulation and transportation of nutrients and oxygen to the stem, root and bulb of the hair.

7. Drink Water

Water is good for your overall health. It helps remove all the toxic substance from your body through urine. Start drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. This will enhance your body system and improve hair growth.

8. Include vitamins B and D

This is important as it affects your internal organs and your physical appearance.

9. Eat foods rich in vitamins B and D to improe hair growth

It will help you grow strong eyelashes and eyebrows that will be able to combat the harmful effects of chemical-based products like mascara and eyeliner.

10. Avoid over – plucking

Plucking and waxing your eyebrows damages the hair follicle eternally, preventing hair from growing back ever, therefore it’s suggested that one refrains from over- plucking.

Im Conclusion

To Conclude, there’s no rule book that emphasises or proves the quickness in growth. Constantly following the same regimen  will work in your favour to see gradual results. 

Blog entry no.2

Fulfilled by KE. Mophuthing

In Beauty Technology & Beauty Therapy The Art Of Tattooing Becomes Very Popular In Salons To Boost Their Salary Income

Tattooing dates back to the early biblical years and was done to represent different tribes origins and cultures. Markings on the body were etched carefully to add design appeal and direction of a way with living. It served to encompass and represent all origins of life amongst many early nations. It has come a long way from being done in unsanitary dusty alleys and dark dungeons of the 

1950’s and 70’s, to the more modern times of the first half of the twenty first century. On the contrary the medium of tattooing has transformed along with the various technologies and modern standards required to make it into a multimillion industry it is today. This opening blog will attempt to take you on a seamless journey of how tattooing has become an elegant and acceptable form of art and its own industry hub. For example, needles and handmade stippling rotation devices were roughly made to pierce the skin and allow for ink fluids to settle into the first parts and layers of the skin, with the hope that ink will stay smudged in the crevice’ of the skin. 

Most people still continued the excruciating exercise of tattooing despite the complications that came with it.

For instance;

  • Severe ink poisoning

  • Skin infections

  • Cross contamination

  • And mostly – my personal favourite – blow outs.

Fast forward to today’s times and modern ways of doing things. Hygienic practices being implemented and maintained, coupled with state-of-the-art meter readings and stunning tattoo machines. Comes in a world of possibilities for this art form that is forever improving and growing this niche of an industry


The Differences Between the Rotary and the Coil

Both the rotary tattoo machine and the coil tattoo machine can be used to create great tattoos but they offer two different methods. A coil tattoo machine relies on an electromagnetic current to drive the armature bar while the rotary uses a more gentle process. The coil is perhaps the most common of the two and can be found in most tattoo shops.

Noise Output

One of the main differences apart from the method is the noise output. Rotary tattoo machines are fairly quiet when compared to the coil which
emits a loud buzzing sound. This is simply because the inner mechanics of the rotary machine are simpler, while the coil machine emits a constant clicking sound due to the armature bar being released.


The rotary machine is more versatile as it can be used for both lines and shading. The coil tattoo machine can only be used for one or the other

Needle Range

Another thing that must be taken into account when choosing a tattoo machine is needle range. A rotary tattoo machine has a more fluid needle movement however the coil uses a choppier movement.

Pros and Cons of Rotary and Coil Tattoo Machines

The rotary machine is quite simple to use and is less damaging to the skin, but it lacks the punch and recoil that you get with a coil machine and as a result it isn’t as effective with larger needles. The rotary is loved for being low maintenance and its fast needle movement, but shading tends to be easier with a coil machine.

In conclusion

With what was once a caved and hidden form of art, – mostly frowned upon medium – tattooing has grown in leaps and bounds whilst stats provided by IBIS indicates that in pure numbers, the average industry growth from 2016–2021: has been 3.2%. Over the five years to 2020, seemingly showing steady growth and a need for the consumer to undertake such a practice. Blog entry number 1 Fulfilled by KE. Mophuthing  

Hairdressing: There aren’t enough hairdressers in the world

As the world population increases, so does the pressure on the service sectors which has resulted in an increased demand for the skills needed to meet the population’s needs. For instance, hairdressing has become a skill whose demand has grown over the years and according to Career Explorer, the hairdresser job market is expected to grow by 13.0% between 2016 and 2026.


Hairdressing - Hydro International College

What is a hairdresser?

A hairdresser is a person who’s occupation is to cut/style hair in order to maintain a person’s image through the use of a combination of multiple hair altering techniques, such as hair coloring, hair extensions etc…

Getting into hairdressing

Hydro International College offers Cosmetology or Hairdressing courses that provide you with the vital skills of becoming a professional hairdresser. To be successful Hairdresser, you should be detail-oriented and able to build a good reputation with clients, additionally, you should be able to follow clients’ instructions, have excellent communication skills, and be able to keep up with the latest hairstyles and hairdressing techniques.

What does the typical day of a hairdresser look like?

So lets have a look at some of the tasks that a hairdressers would typically look like:

  • Studies the client’s face, hair and scalp and decide on a style and treatment
  • Shampoos and treats hair
  • Gives scalp treatments and massages
  • Cuts, shapes and styles hair
  • Bleaches and tint hair
  • Gives permanent waves
  • Trims and styles beards and moustaches
  • Provides customers with advice regarding personal grooming and cosmetic aids
  • Fitting and styling wigs
  • Keeps the salon clean
  • Responsible for admin duties such as: keeping track of supplies, keeping records, keeping an appointment book, receiving clients and hiring employees.

What jobs could I do as a hairdresser?

As a licensed hairdresser you have the opportunity of having quite a flexible career locally and internationally. Your employment options range from working at hair salons, hotels and departmental stores, film and television industry, unisex styling salons for Performing Arts Councils, self-employment.

Does hairdressing sound like something you’re interested in? Click here to find out more about our application process.

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