The Health and Wellness industry is abuzz by a new craze of having big rounded bottoms. Celebrities are raving about it and women, young and old are tapping into the fountain of fat injections. It stems from Brazil, a country is still renowned for low cost or affordable cosmetic procedures. What is the craze all about? Let us jump right into it. First searches on the big wide web only prompted me to see big warning signs that the procedure is dangerous and people have actually died after the procedure. It begs the question, why?  I suppose ladies know beauty is pain.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Should you wish to have a fuller, more rounded derriere, this procedure might just be for you!  The shortened version of the lift is popularly known as “BBL” If you ever wanted to eliminate fat in unwanted places and wished it went either to your breasts or bottom. Well now, you can. A surgeon augments excess fat from the body and will transfer it in the gluteal region where it is moulded into the patient’s choice and size. The benefit to this procedure is that it’s somewhat uses natural tissue which has better results as it is longer lasting and minimizes risks associated with silicone implants. The difference between buttock implants and the BBL, the buttock lift includes cutting through muscles and inserting silicone molds into the area. It is very invasive and down town after surgery is quite painful and long

How does it Work?

The forever institute cites that the BBL procedure is done in two steps. A patient will be sedated under local anesthesia and this is usually an outpatient surgery. Fat cells are harvested first via liposuction. These are harvested in areas where there is excess fat i.e. abdomen and thighs. The benefit to this is that those areas are molded as well which sculptures the patient and redefines their bodies.

The extracted fat is purified and then suctioned into the syringe and the fat transfer can then begin. Methodically the fat is injected into the buttock region and this is molded and reshaped according to the surgeon and patient’s agreement for the outcome of the procedure. Most often a few liters of fat are injected into each buttock to achieve the desired look.  The results can be seen immediately, but important to note that it will still take between 6-12 months for the effect to fully take and for the patient to enjoy the results.


The Recovery Process

Optimal recovery requires a detailed post-surgery instruction which follows the client being bandaged to ensure the contouring process occurs. This typically includes the following:

  • Avoid sitting for extended period of time
  • Sleep on your side
  • Using oral pain medication
  • Ice packs are useful to assist with swelling and the bruised area

Final Thoughts

Beauty does lie in the eye of the Beholder, with that being said, I think women should take into consideration all the different variables associated with this intricate procedure. There are dangers associated with this procedure and the fact that in South Africa there are very few doctors comfortable performing this procedure, opens up a wide door for fake practitioners to scam women into these fatal botched jobs. Tread carefully or just spend a few hours doing a few squats!!!


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