What's new in Aesthetics (IV DRIPS) - Hydro International College

Intravenous Drip Therapy

This latest craze is trending within Aesthetic and Wellness Clinics and its quite exciting for Therapist’s as it encourages this multi-disciplinary cross pollination between different areas of health and wellness in support of treating our clients holistically. IV Drips Nutritional Therapy distributes a measured and controlled dose of essential vitamins, minerals other nutrients including electrolytes. These dosages are delivered intravenously into client’s bloodstream in order to balance, fix any nutritional deficiencies that might be affecting the body from functioning correctly and effectively. The dosage is correctly measured so it can in turn boost the client’s skin and overall health.

What’s in the Drip?

IV infusion ingredients differ and its properties which is an advantage as it makes it more customizable for different individuals according to their needs. It is important to note that these dosages are not intended to treat or cure diseases as they do not have stamp of approval from Food and Drug Administration. It is noteworthy to state to clients that it utilized as a tool to boost, support and provide the body with essential nutrients that support and maintain health.

How Does the IV Work?

According to bounce hydration, a qualified nurse should administer the IV fluid via a small plastic tube catheter. Once a thorough consultation has been completed and the correct infusion selected according to clients’ needs and wants, the client is then prepared accordingly. Fear not if terrified by needles as a numbing spray is used prior in order to minimize any discomfort.

IV Treatment Types

A combination of saline solution and vitamins makes the main components of the IV with varying ingredients makes up the infusion and can be used for various indications such as:

  • Dehydration
  • Energy Boost
  • Hangover
  • Immune Boost
  • Stomach Flu
  • Myers Cocktail
  • Recovery
  • Beauty
  • Weight Loss
  • Super Immune Boost


Is the IV Drip Safe?

This procedure is very safe and well tolerated by majority of clients. Slight bruising and sensitivity may be experienced by some people on the site of needle injection. Constant monitoring by the nursing staff ensures the comfort

Final Thoughts

  • Procedure takes 30-45 minutes.
  • Registered nurse administers the drip.
  • No down time or adverse side effects.
  • Individual customization of infusions.
  • Safe and effective.
  • Well, tolerated by clients.
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